FSU Kuersteiner & Opperman Music Building Renovation


Work in the College of Music included a structural repair to the basement. These repairs to the Kuersteiner Music Building were necessary, as the foundation was sinking and large cracks were appearing in the walls. A large portion of the work took place in the organ major practice room that housed a historic pipe organ. Foundation stabilization included removal of the organ, selective demolition, helical pile installation, concrete slab repairs, new exterior drainage system, and interior finishes. Work was completed with an accelerated schedule for the start of the fall semester.

The second project consisted of a complete remodel of the Opperman Music Hall exterior terrace and walkway to include a new concrete terrace with stone flooring, ADA access ramp, metal railing, CMU/brick masonry, a concrete and brick paver walkway with removable bollards, site drainage system, site furnishings, landscaping, and new light fixtures.

cost over $1.2 million
size 12,200 SF
owner Florida State University
architects DAG Architects, Inc.
